How to index documents

Creating an Index object

To create an index in a directory, use index.create_in:

import os, os.path
from whoosh import index

if not os.path.exists("indexdir"):

ix = index.create_in("indexdir", schema)

To open an existing index in a directory, use index.open_dir:

import whoosh.index as index

ix = index.open_dir("indexdir")

These are convenience methods for:

from whoosh.filedb.filestore import FileStorage
storage = FileStorage("indexdir")

# Create an index
ix = storage.create_index(schema)

# Open an existing index

The schema you created the index with is pickled and stored with the index.

You can keep multiple indexes in the same directory using the indexname keyword argument:

# Using the convenience functions
ix = index.create_in("indexdir", schema=schema, indexname="usages")
ix = index.open_dir("indexdir", indexname="usages")

# Using the Storage object
ix = storage.create_index(schema, indexname="usages")
ix = storage.open_index(indexname="usages")

Clearing the index

Calling index.create_in on a directory with an existing index will clear the current contents of the index.

To test whether a directory currently contains a valid index, use index.exists_in:

exists = index.exists_in("indexdir")
usages_exists = index.exists_in("indexdir", indexname="usages")

(Alternatively you can simply delete the index’s files from the directory, e.g. if you only have one index in the directory, use shutil.rmtree to remove the directory and then recreate it.)

Indexing documents

Once you’ve created an Index object, you can add documents to the index with an IndexWriter object. The easiest way to get the IndexWriter is to call Index.writer():

ix = index.open_dir("index")
writer = ix.writer()

Creating a writer locks the index for writing, so only one thread/process at a time can have a writer open.


Because opening a writer locks the index for writing, in a multi-threaded or multi-process environment your code needs to be aware that opening a writer may raise an exception ( if a writer is already open. Whoosh includes a couple of example implementations (whoosh.writing.AsyncWriter and whoosh.writing.BufferedWriter) of ways to work around the write lock.


While the writer is open and during the commit, the index is still available for reading. Existing readers are unaffected and new readers can open the current index normally. Once the commit is finished, existing readers continue to see the previous version of the index (that is, they do not automatically see the newly committed changes). New readers will see the updated index.

The IndexWriter’s add_document(**kwargs) method accepts keyword arguments where the field name is mapped to a value:

writer = ix.writer()
writer.add_document(title=u"My document", content=u"This is my document!",
                    path=u"/a", tags=u"first short", icon=u"/icons/star.png")
writer.add_document(title=u"Second try", content=u"This is the second example.",
                    path=u"/b", tags=u"second short", icon=u"/icons/sheep.png")
writer.add_document(title=u"Third time's the charm", content=u"Examples are many.",
                    path=u"/c", tags=u"short", icon=u"/icons/book.png")

You don’t have to fill in a value for every field. Whoosh doesn’t care if you leave out a field from a document.

Indexed fields must be passed a unicode value. Fields that are stored but not indexed (i.e. the STORED field type) can be passed any pickle-able object.

Whoosh will happily allow you to add documents with identical values, which can be useful or annoying depending on what you’re using the library for:

writer.add_document(path=u"/a", title=u"A", content=u"Hello there")
writer.add_document(path=u"/a", title=u"A", content=u"Deja vu!")

This adds two documents to the index with identical path and title fields. See “updating documents” below for information on the update_document method, which uses “unique” fields to replace old documents instead of appending.

Indexing and storing different values for the same field

If you have a field that is both indexed and stored, you can index a unicode value but store a different object if necessary (it’s usually not, but sometimes this is really useful) using a “special” keyword argument _stored_<fieldname>. The normal value will be analyzed and indexed, but the “stored” value will show up in the results:

writer.add_document(title=u"Title to be indexed", _stored_title=u"Stored title")

Finishing adding documents

An IndexWriter object is kind of like a database transaction. You specify a bunch of changes to the index, and then “commit” them all at once.

Calling commit() on the IndexWriter saves the added documents to the index:


Once your documents are in the index, you can search for them.

If you want to close the writer without committing the changes, call cancel() instead of commit():


Keep in mind that while you have a writer open (including a writer you opened and is still in scope), no other thread or process can get a writer or modify the index. A writer also keeps several open files. So you should always remember to call either commit() or cancel() when you’re done with a writer object.

Merging segments

A Whoosh filedb index is really a container for one or more “sub-indexes” called segments. When you add documents to an index, instead of integrating the new documents with the existing documents (which could potentially be very expensive, since it involves resorting all the indexed terms on disk), Whoosh creates a new segment next to the existing segment. Then when you search the index, Whoosh searches both segments individually and merges the results so the segments appear to be one unified index. (This smart design is copied from Lucene.)

So, having a few segments is more efficient than rewriting the entire index every time you add some documents. But searching multiple segments does slow down searching somewhat, and the more segments you have, the slower it gets. So Whoosh has an algorithm that runs when you call commit() that looks for small segments it can merge together to make fewer, bigger segments.

To prevent Whoosh from merging segments during a commit, use the merge keyword argument:


To merge all segments together, optimizing the index into a single segment, use the optimize keyword argument:


Since optimizing rewrites all the information in the index, it can be slow on a large index. It’s generally better to rely on Whoosh’s merging algorithm than to optimize all the time.

(The Index object also has an optimize() method that lets you optimize the index (merge all the segments together). It simply creates a writer and calls commit(optimize=True) on it.)

For more control over segment merging, you can write your own merge policy function and use it as an argument to the commit() method. See the implementation of the NO_MERGE, MERGE_SMALL, and OPTIMIZE functions in the whoosh.writing module.

Deleting documents

You can delete documents using the following methods on an IndexWriter object. You then need to call commit() on the writer to save the deletions to disk.


Low-level method to delete a document by its internal document number.


Low-level method, returns True if the document with the given internal number is deleted.

delete_by_term(fieldname, termtext)

Deletes any documents where the given (indexed) field contains the given term. This is mostly useful for ID or KEYWORD fields.


Deletes any documents that match the given query.

# Delete document by its path -- this field must be indexed
ix.delete_by_term('path', u'/a/b/c')
# Save the deletion to disk

In the filedb backend, “deleting” a document simply adds the document number to a list of deleted documents stored with the index. When you search the index, it knows not to return deleted documents in the results. However, the document’s contents are still stored in the index, and certain statistics (such as term document frequencies) are not updated, until you merge the segments containing deleted documents (see merging above). (This is because removing the information immediately from the index would essentially involving rewriting the entire index on disk, which would be very inefficient.)

Updating documents

If you want to “replace” (re-index) a document, you can delete the old document using one of the delete_* methods on Index or IndexWriter, then use IndexWriter.add_document to add the new version. Or, you can use IndexWriter.update_document to do this in one step.

For update_document to work, you must have marked at least one of the fields in the schema as “unique”. Whoosh will then use the contents of the “unique” field(s) to search for documents to delete:

from whoosh.fields import Schema, ID, TEXT

schema = Schema(path = ID(unique=True), content=TEXT)

ix = index.create_in("index")
writer = ix.writer()
writer.add_document(path=u"/a", content=u"The first document")
writer.add_document(path=u"/b", content=u"The second document")

writer = ix.writer()
# Because "path" is marked as unique, calling update_document with path="/a"
# will delete any existing documents where the "path" field contains "/a".
writer.update_document(path=u"/a", content="Replacement for the first document")

The “unique” field(s) must be indexed.

If no existing document matches the unique fields of the document you’re updating, update_document acts just like add_document.

“Unique” fields and update_document are simply convenient shortcuts for deleting and adding. Whoosh has no inherent concept of a unique identifier, and in no way enforces uniqueness when you use add_document.

Incremental indexing

When you’re indexing a collection of documents, you’ll often want two code paths: one to index all the documents from scratch, and one to only update the documents that have changed (leaving aside web applications where you need to add/update documents according to user actions).

Indexing everything from scratch is pretty easy. Here’s a simple example:

import os.path
from whoosh import index
from whoosh.fields import Schema, ID, TEXT

def clean_index(dirname):
  # Always create the index from scratch
  ix = index.create_in(dirname, schema=get_schema())
  writer = ix.writer()

  # Assume we have a function that gathers the filenames of the
  # documents to be indexed
  for path in my_docs():
    add_doc(writer, path)


def get_schema()
  return Schema(path=ID(unique=True, stored=True), content=TEXT)

def add_doc(writer, path):
  fileobj = open(path, "rb")
  content =
  writer.add_document(path=path, content=content)

Now, for a small collection of documents, indexing from scratch every time might actually be fast enough. But for large collections, you’ll want to have the script only re-index the documents that have changed.

To start we’ll need to store each document’s last-modified time, so we can check if the file has changed. In this example, we’ll just use the mtime for simplicity:

def get_schema()
  return Schema(path=ID(unique=True, stored=True), time=STORED, content=TEXT)

def add_doc(writer, path):
  fileobj = open(path, "rb")
  content =
  modtime = os.path.getmtime(path)
  writer.add_document(path=path, content=content, time=modtime)

Now we can modify the script to allow either “clean” (from scratch) or incremental indexing:

def index_my_docs(dirname, clean=False):
  if clean:

def incremental_index(dirname)
    ix = index.open_dir(dirname)

    # The set of all paths in the index
    indexed_paths = set()
    # The set of all paths we need to re-index
    to_index = set()

    with ix.searcher() as searcher:
      writer = ix.writer()

      # Loop over the stored fields in the index
      for fields in searcher.all_stored_fields():
        indexed_path = fields['path']

        if not os.path.exists(indexed_path):
          # This file was deleted since it was indexed
          writer.delete_by_term('path', indexed_path)

          # Check if this file was changed since it
          # was indexed
          indexed_time = fields['time']
          mtime = os.path.getmtime(indexed_path)
          if mtime > indexed_time:
            # The file has changed, delete it and add it to the list of
            # files to reindex
            writer.delete_by_term('path', indexed_path)

      # Loop over the files in the filesystem
      # Assume we have a function that gathers the filenames of the
      # documents to be indexed
      for path in my_docs():
        if path in to_index or path not in indexed_paths:
          # This is either a file that's changed, or a new file
          # that wasn't indexed before. So index it!
          add_doc(writer, path)


The incremental_index function:

  • Loops through all the paths that are currently indexed.

    • If any of the files no longer exist, delete the corresponding document from the index.

    • If the file still exists, but has been modified, add it to the list of paths to be re-indexed.

    • If the file exists, whether it’s been modified or not, add it to the list of all indexed paths.

  • Loops through all the paths of the files on disk.

    • If a path is not in the set of all indexed paths, the file is new and we need to index it.

    • If a path is in the set of paths to re-index, we need to index it.

    • Otherwise, we can skip indexing the file.

Clearing the index

In some cases you may want to re-index from scratch. To clear the index without disrupting any existing readers:

from whoosh import writing

with myindex.writer() as mywriter:
    # You can optionally add documents to the writer here
    # e.g. mywriter.add_document(...)

    # Using mergetype=CLEAR clears all existing segments so the index will
    # only have any documents you've added to this writer
    mywriter.mergetype = writing.CLEAR

Or, if you don’t use the writer as a context manager and call commit() directly, do it like this:

mywriter = myindex.writer()
# ...


If you don’t need to worry about existing readers, a more efficient method is to simply delete the contents of the index directory and start over.