# Copyright 2012 Matt Chaput. All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are
# those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official
# policies, either expressed or implied, of Matt Chaput.
The API and implementation of columns may change in the next version of Whoosh!
This module contains "Column" objects which you can use as the argument to a
Field object's ``sortable=`` keyword argument. Each field defines a default
column type for when the user specifies ``sortable=True`` (the object returned
by the field's ``default_column()`` method).
The default column type for most fields is ``VarBytesColumn``,
although numeric and date fields use ``NumericColumn``. Expert users may use
other field types that may be faster or more storage efficient based on the
field contents. For example, if a field always contains one of a limited number
of possible values, a ``RefBytesColumn`` will save space by only storing the
values once. If a field's values are always a fixed length, the
``FixedBytesColumn`` saves space by not storing the length of each value.
A ``Column`` object basically exists to store configuration information and
provides two important methods: ``writer()`` to return a ``ColumnWriter`` object
and ``reader()`` to return a ``ColumnReader`` object.
import struct
import warnings
from array import array
from bisect import bisect_right
from io import BytesIO
from pickle import dumps, loads
import zlib
except ImportError:
zlib = None
from whoosh.filedb.structfile import StructFile
from whoosh.idsets import BitSet, OnDiskBitSet
from whoosh.system import emptybytes
from whoosh.util.numeric import typecode_max, typecode_min
from whoosh.util.numlists import GrowableArray
from whoosh.util.varints import read_varint, varint
# Base classes
[docs]class Column:
"""Represents a "column" of rows mapping docnums to document values.
The interface requires that you store the start offset of the column, the
length of the column data, and the number of documents (rows) separately,
and pass them to the reader object.
reversible = False
[docs] def writer(self, dbfile):
"""Returns a :class:`ColumnWriter` object you can use to use to create
a column of this type on disk.
:param dbfile: the :class:`~ whoosh.filedb.structfile.StructFile` to
write to.
return self.Writer(dbfile)
[docs] def reader(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount):
"""Returns a :class:`ColumnReader` object you can use to read a column
of this type from disk.
:param dbfile: the :class:`~ whoosh.filedb.structfile.StructFile` to
read from.
:param basepos: the offset within the file at which the column starts.
:param length: the length in bytes of the column occupies in the file.
:param doccount: the number of rows (documents) in the column.
return self.Reader(dbfile, basepos, length, doccount)
[docs] def default_value(self, reverse=False):
"""Returns the default value for this column type."""
_ = reverse # unused variable
return self._default
[docs] def stores_lists(self):
"""Returns True if the column stores a list of values for each document
instead of a single value.
return False
[docs]class ColumnWriter:
def __init__(self, dbfile):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._count = 0
def fill(self, docnum):
write = self._dbfile.write
default = self._defaultbytes
if docnum > self._count:
for _ in range(docnum - self._count):
def add(self, docnum, value):
raise NotImplementedError
def finish(self, docnum):
# This method is intentionally left empty.
[docs]class ColumnReader:
def __init__(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._basepos = basepos
self._length = length
self._doccount = doccount
def __len__(self):
return self._doccount
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
raise NotImplementedError
def sort_key(self, docnum):
return self[docnum]
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(self._doccount):
yield self[i]
def load(self):
return list(self)
def set_reverse(self):
raise NotImplementedError
# Arbitrary bytes column
[docs]class VarBytesColumn(Column):
"""Stores variable length byte strings. See also :class:`RefBytesColumn`.
The current implementation limits the total length of all document values
a segment to 2 GB.
The default value (the value returned for a document that didn't have a
value assigned to it at indexing time) is an empty bytestring (``b''``).
_default = emptybytes
def __init__(self, allow_offsets=True, write_offsets_cutoff=2**15):
:param allow_offsets: Whether the column should write offsets when there
are many rows in the column (this makes opening the column much
faster). This argument is mostly for testing.
:param write_offsets_cutoff: Write offsets (for speed) when there are
more than this many rows in the column. This argument is mostly
for testing.
self.allow_offsets = allow_offsets
self.write_offsets_cutoff = write_offsets_cutoff
def writer(self, dbfile):
return self.Writer(dbfile, self.allow_offsets, self.write_offsets_cutoff)
class Writer(ColumnWriter):
def __init__(self, dbfile, allow_offsets=True, cutoff=2**15):
assert isinstance(dbfile, StructFile)
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._count = 0
self._lengths = GrowableArray(allow_longs=False)
self._offsets = GrowableArray(allow_longs=False)
self._offset_base = 0
self.allow_offsets = allow_offsets
self.cutoff = cutoff
def __repr__(self):
return "<VarBytes.Writer>"
def fill(self, docnum):
base = self._offset_base
if docnum > self._count:
self._lengths.extend(0 for _ in range(docnum - self._count))
self._offsets.extend(base for _ in range(docnum - self._count))
def add(self, docnum, v):
self._offset_base += len(v)
self._count = docnum + 1
def finish(self, doccount):
dbfile = self._dbfile
lengths = self._lengths.array
offsets = self._offsets.array
# Only write the offsets if there is a large number of items in the
# column, otherwise it's fast enough to derive them from the lens
write_offsets = self.allow_offsets and doccount > self.cutoff
if write_offsets:
# Backwards compatibility: previous versions only wrote the lengths,
# and the last byte of the column was the lengths type code...
# ...but if we wrote offsets, make the last byte "X" so we know
if write_offsets:
class Reader(ColumnReader):
def __init__(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._basepos = basepos
self._length = length
self._doccount = doccount
self.had_stored_offsets = False # for testing
def __repr__(self):
return "<VarBytes.Reader>"
def _read_offsets_and_lengths(self):
dbfile = self._dbfile
basepos = self._basepos
length = self._length
doccount = self._doccount
# The end of the lengths array is the end of the data minus the
# typecode byte
lastbyte = basepos + length - 1
# Load the length typecode from the end
lens_code = chr(dbfile.get_byte(lastbyte))
offsets = None
if lens_code == "X":
self.had_stored_offsets = True
# This indicates we wrote the offsets, so get the real lengths
# type code
lens_code = chr(dbfile.get_byte(lastbyte - 2))
offsets_code = chr(dbfile.get_byte(lastbyte - 1))
# Read the offsets from before the last byte
itemsize = struct.calcsize(offsets_code)
offsetstart = (lastbyte - 2) - doccount * itemsize
offsets = dbfile.get_array(offsetstart, offsets_code, doccount)
lastbyte = offsetstart
# Load the length array
itemsize = struct.calcsize(lens_code)
lenstart = lastbyte - (itemsize * doccount)
lengths = dbfile.get_array(lenstart, lens_code, doccount)
# If we didn't write the offsets, derive them from the lengths
if offsets is None:
offsets = array("L")
base = 0
for length in lengths:
base += length
self._offsets = offsets
self._lengths = lengths
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
length = self._lengths[docnum]
if not length:
return emptybytes
offset = self._offsets[docnum]
return self._dbfile.get(self._basepos + offset, length)
def __iter__(self):
get = self._dbfile.get
pos = self._basepos
for length in self._lengths:
yield get(pos, length)
pos += length
[docs]class FixedBytesColumn(Column):
"""Stores fixed-length byte strings."""
def __init__(self, fixedlen, default=None):
:param fixedlen: the fixed length of byte strings in this column.
:param default: the default value to use for documents that don't
specify a value. If you don't specify a default, the column will
use ``b'\\x00' * fixedlen``.
self._fixedlen = fixedlen
if default is None:
default = b"\x00" * fixedlen
elif len(default) != fixedlen:
raise ValueError
self._default = default
def writer(self, dbfile):
return self.Writer(dbfile, self._fixedlen, self._default)
def reader(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount):
return self.Reader(
dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, self._fixedlen, self._default
class Writer(ColumnWriter):
def __init__(self, dbfile, fixedlen, default):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._fixedlen = fixedlen
self._default = self._defaultbytes = default
self._count = 0
def __repr__(self):
return "<FixedBytes.Writer>"
def add(self, docnum, v):
if v == self._default:
if docnum > self._count:
assert len(v) == self._fixedlen
self._count = docnum + 1
class Reader(ColumnReader):
def __init__(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, fixedlen, default):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._basepos = basepos
self._doccount = doccount
self._fixedlen = fixedlen
self._default = self._defaultbytes = default
self._count = length // fixedlen
def __repr__(self):
return "<FixedBytes.Reader>"
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
if docnum >= self._count:
return self._defaultbytes
pos = self._basepos + self._fixedlen * docnum
return self._dbfile.get(pos, self._fixedlen)
def __iter__(self):
count = self._count
default = self._default
for i in range(self._doccount):
if i < count:
yield self[i]
yield default
# Variable/fixed length reference (enum) column
[docs]class RefBytesColumn(Column):
"""Stores variable-length or fixed-length byte strings, similar to
:class:`VarBytesColumn` and :class:`FixedBytesColumn`. However, where those
columns stores a value for each document, this column keeps a list of all
the unique values in the field, and for each document stores a short
pointer into the unique list. For fields where the number of possible
values is smaller than the number of documents (for example,
"category" or "chapter"), this saves significant space.
This column type supports a maximum of 65535 unique values across all
documents in a segment. You should generally use this column type where the
number of unique values is in no danger of approaching that number (for
example, a "tags" field). If you try to index too many unique values, the
column will convert additional unique values to the default value and issue
a warning using the ``warnings`` module (this will usually be preferable to
crashing the indexer and potentially losing indexed documents).
# NOTE that RefBytes is reversible within a single column (we could just
# negate the reference number), but it's NOT reversible ACROSS SEGMENTS
# (since different segments can have different uniques values in their
# columns), so we have to say that the column type is not reversible
reversible = False
def __init__(self, fixedlen=0, default=None):
:param fixedlen: an optional fixed length for the values. If you
specify a number other than 0, the column will require all values
to be the specified length.
:param default: a default value to use for documents that don't specify
one. If you don't specify a default, the column will use an empty
bytestring (``b''``), or if you specify a fixed length,
``b'\\x00' * fixedlen``.
self._fixedlen = fixedlen
if default is None:
default = b"\x00" * fixedlen if fixedlen else emptybytes
elif fixedlen and len(default) != fixedlen:
raise ValueError
self._default = default
def writer(self, dbfile):
return self.Writer(dbfile, self._fixedlen, self._default)
def reader(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount):
return self.Reader(dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, self._fixedlen)
class Writer(ColumnWriter):
def __init__(self, dbfile, fixedlen, default):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._fixedlen = fixedlen
self._default = default
# At first we'll buffer refs in a byte array. If the number of
# uniques stays below 256, we can just write the byte array. As
# soon as the ref count goes above 255, we know we're going to have
# to write shorts, so we'll switch to writing directly.
self._refs = array("B")
self._uniques = {default: 0}
self._count = 0
def __repr__(self):
return "<RefBytes.Writer>"
def fill(self, docnum):
if docnum > self._count:
if self._refs is not None:
self._refs.extend(0 for _ in range(docnum - self._count))
dbfile = self._dbfile
for _ in range(docnum - self._count):
def add(self, docnum, v):
dbfile = self._dbfile
refs = self._refs
uniques = self._uniques
ref = uniques[v]
except KeyError:
uniques[v] = ref = len(uniques)
if refs is not None and ref >= 256:
# We won't be able to use bytes, we have to switch to
# writing unbuffered ushorts
for n in refs:
refs = self._refs = None
if refs is not None:
if ref > 65535:
f"RefBytesColumn dropped unique value {v!r}", UserWarning
ref = 0
self._count = docnum + 1
def _write_uniques(self, typecode):
dbfile = self._dbfile
fixedlen = self._fixedlen
uniques = self._uniques
# Sort unique values by position
vs = sorted(uniques.keys(), key=lambda key: uniques[key])
for v in vs:
if not fixedlen:
def finish(self, doccount):
dbfile = self._dbfile
refs = self._refs
typecode = "H"
if refs is not None:
typecode = refs.typecode
class Reader(ColumnReader):
def __init__(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, fixedlen):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._basepos = basepos
self._doccount = doccount
self._fixedlen = fixedlen
self._typecode = chr(dbfile.get_byte(basepos + length - 1))
st = struct.Struct("!" + self._typecode)
self._unpack = st.unpack
self._itemsize = st.size
dbfile.seek(basepos + doccount * self._itemsize)
self._uniques = self._read_uniques()
def __repr__(self):
return "<RefBytes.Reader>"
def _read_uniques(self):
dbfile = self._dbfile
fixedlen = self._fixedlen
ucount = dbfile.read_varint()
length = fixedlen
uniques = []
for _ in range(ucount):
if not fixedlen:
length = dbfile.read_varint()
return uniques
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
pos = self._basepos + docnum * self._itemsize
ref = self._unpack(self._dbfile.get(pos, self._itemsize))[0]
return self._uniques[ref]
def __iter__(self):
get = self._dbfile.get
basepos = self._basepos
uniques = self._uniques
unpack = self._unpack
itemsize = self._itemsize
for i in range(self._doccount):
pos = basepos + i * itemsize
ref = unpack(get(pos, itemsize))[0]
yield uniques[ref]
# Numeric column
[docs]class NumericColumn(FixedBytesColumn):
"""Stores numbers (integers and floats) as compact binary."""
reversible = True
def __init__(self, typecode, default=0):
:param typecode: a typecode character (as used by the ``struct``
module) specifying the number type. For example, ``"i"`` for
signed integers.
:param default: the default value to use for documents that don't
specify one.
self._typecode = typecode
self._default = default
def writer(self, dbfile):
return self.Writer(dbfile, self._typecode, self._default)
def reader(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount):
return self.Reader(
dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, self._typecode, self._default
def default_value(self, reverse=False):
v = self._default
if reverse:
v = 0 - v
return v
class Writer(FixedBytesColumn.Writer):
def __init__(self, dbfile, typecode, default):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._pack = struct.Struct("!" + typecode).pack
self._default = default
self._defaultbytes = self._pack(default)
self._fixedlen = struct.calcsize(typecode)
self._count = 0
def __repr__(self):
return "<Numeric.Writer>"
def add(self, docnum, v):
if v == self._default:
if docnum > self._count:
self._count = docnum + 1
class Reader(FixedBytesColumn.Reader):
def __init__(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, typecode, default):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._basepos = basepos
self._doccount = doccount
self._default = default
self._reverse = False
self._typecode = typecode
self._unpack = struct.Struct("!" + typecode).unpack
self._defaultbytes = struct.pack("!" + typecode, default)
self._fixedlen = struct.calcsize(typecode)
self._count = length // self._fixedlen
def __repr__(self):
return "<Numeric.Reader>"
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
s = FixedBytesColumn.Reader.__getitem__(self, docnum)
return self._unpack(s)[0]
def sort_key(self, docnum):
key = self[docnum]
if self._reverse:
key = 0 - key
return key
def load(self):
if self._typecode in "qQ":
return list(self)
return array(self._typecode, self)
def set_reverse(self):
self._reverse = True
# Column of boolean values
[docs]class BitColumn(Column):
"""Stores a column of True/False values compactly."""
reversible = True
_default = False
def __init__(self, compress_at=2048):
:param compress_at: columns with this number of values or fewer will
be saved compressed on disk, and loaded into RAM for reading. Set
this to 0 to disable compression.
self._compressat = compress_at
def writer(self, dbfile):
return self.Writer(dbfile, self._compressat)
def default_value(self, reverse=False):
return self._default ^ reverse
class Writer(ColumnWriter):
def __init__(self, dbfile, compressat):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._compressat = compressat
self._bitset = BitSet()
def __repr__(self):
return "<Bit.Writer>"
def add(self, docnum, value):
if value:
def finish(self, doccount):
dbfile = self._dbfile
bits = self._bitset.bits
if zlib and len(bits) <= self._compressat:
compressed = zlib.compress(bits.tobytes(), 3)
class Reader(ColumnReader):
def __init__(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._basepos = basepos
self._length = length
self._doccount = doccount
self._reverse = False
compressed = dbfile.get_byte(basepos + (length - 1))
if compressed:
bbytes = zlib.decompress(dbfile.get(basepos, length - 1))
bitset = BitSet.from_bytes(bbytes)
bitset = OnDiskBitSet(dbfile, basepos, length - 1)
self._bitset = bitset
def id_set(self):
return self._bitset
def __repr__(self):
return "<Bit.Reader>"
def __getitem__(self, i):
return i in self._bitset
def sort_key(self, docnum):
return int(self[docnum] ^ self._reverse)
def __iter__(self):
i = 0
for num in self._bitset:
if num > i:
for _ in range(num - i):
yield False
yield True
i = num + 1
if self._doccount > i:
for _ in range(self._doccount - i):
yield False
def load(self):
if isinstance(self._bitset, OnDiskBitSet):
bs = self._dbfile.get_array(self._basepos, "B", self._length - 1)
self._bitset = BitSet.from_bytes(bs)
return self
def set_reverse(self):
self._reverse = True
# Compressed variants
[docs]class CompressedBytesColumn(Column):
"""Stores variable-length byte strings compressed using deflate (by
def __init__(self, level=3, module="zlib"):
:param level: the compression level to use.
:param module: a string containing the name of the compression module
to use. The default is "zlib". The module should export "compress"
and "decompress" functions.
self._level = level
self._module = module
def writer(self, dbfile):
return self.Writer(dbfile, self._level, self._module)
def reader(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount):
return self.Reader(dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, self._module)
class Writer(VarBytesColumn.Writer):
def __init__(self, dbfile, level, module):
VarBytesColumn.Writer.__init__(self, dbfile)
self._level = level
self._compress = __import__(module).compress
def __repr__(self):
return "<CompressedBytes.Writer>"
def add(self, docnum, v):
v = self._compress(v, self._level)
VarBytesColumn.Writer.add(self, docnum, v)
class Reader(VarBytesColumn.Reader):
def __init__(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, module):
VarBytesColumn.Reader.__init__(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount)
self._decompress = __import__(module).decompress
def __repr__(self):
return "<CompressedBytes.Reader>"
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
v = VarBytesColumn.Reader.__getitem__(self, docnum)
if v:
v = self._decompress(v)
return v
def __iter__(self):
for v in VarBytesColumn.Reader.__iter__(self):
yield self._decompress(v)
def load(self):
return list(self)
class CompressedBlockColumn(Column):
"""An experimental column type that compresses and decompresses blocks of
values at a time. This can lead to high compression and decent performance
for columns with lots of very short values, but random access times are
usually terrible.
def __init__(self, level=3, blocksize=32, module="zlib"):
:param level: the compression level to use.
:param blocksize: the size (in KB) of each compressed block.
:param module: a string containing the name of the compression module
to use. The default is "zlib". The module should export "compress"
and "decompress" functions.
self._level = level
self._blocksize = blocksize
self._module = module
def writer(self, dbfile):
return self.Writer(dbfile, self._level, self._blocksize, self._module)
def reader(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount):
return self.Reader(dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, self._module)
class Writer(ColumnWriter):
def __init__(self, dbfile, level, blocksize, module):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._blocksize = blocksize * 1024
self._level = level
self._compress = __import__(module).compress
def __repr__(self):
return "<CompressedBlock.Writer>"
def _reset(self):
self._startdoc = None
self._block = emptybytes
self._lengths = []
def _emit(self):
dbfile = self._dbfile
block = self._compress(self._block, self._level)
header = (self._startdoc, self._lastdoc, len(block), tuple(self._lengths))
def add(self, docnum, v):
if self._startdoc is None:
self._startdoc = docnum
self._lengths.append((docnum, len(v)))
self._lastdoc = docnum
self._block += v
if len(self._block) >= self._blocksize:
def finish(self, doccount):
# If there's still a pending block, write it out
if self._startdoc is not None:
class Reader(ColumnReader):
def __init__(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, module):
ColumnReader.__init__(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount)
self._decompress = __import__(module).decompress
self._blocks = []
pos = 0
while pos < length:
startdoc, enddoc, blocklen, lengths = dbfile.read_pickle()
here = dbfile.tell()
self._blocks.append((startdoc, enddoc, here, blocklen, lengths))
dbfile.seek(blocklen, 1)
pos = here + blocklen
def __repr__(self):
return "<CompressedBlock.Reader>"
def _find_block(self, docnum):
# Use binary search instead of linear search
left = 0
right = len(self._blocks) - 1
while left <= right:
mid = (left + right) // 2
if docnum < self._blocks[mid][0]:
right = mid - 1
elif docnum <= self._blocks[mid][1]:
return mid
left = mid + 1
return None
def _get_block(self, blocknum):
block = self._blocks[blocknum]
pos = block[2]
blocklen = block[3]
lengths = block[4]
data = self._decompress(self._dbfile.get(self._basepos + pos, blocklen))
values = {}
base = 0
for docnum, vlen in lengths:
values[docnum] = data[base : base + vlen]
base += vlen
return values
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
i = self._find_block(docnum)
if i is None:
return emptybytes
return self._get_block(i)[docnum]
def __iter__(self):
last = -1
for i, block in enumerate(self._blocks):
startdoc = block[0]
enddoc = block[1]
if startdoc > (last + 1):
for _ in range(startdoc - last):
yield emptybytes
values = self._get_block(i)
for docnum in range(startdoc, enddoc + 1):
if docnum in values:
yield values[docnum]
yield emptybytes
last = enddoc
if enddoc < self._doccount - 1:
for _ in range(self._doccount - enddoc):
yield emptybytes
[docs]class StructColumn(FixedBytesColumn):
def __init__(self, spec, default):
self._spec = spec
self._fixedlen = struct.calcsize(spec)
self._default = default
def writer(self, dbfile):
return self.Writer(dbfile, self._spec, self._default)
def reader(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount):
return self.Reader(dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, self._spec, self._default)
class Writer(FixedBytesColumn.Writer):
def __init__(self, dbfile, spec, default):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._struct = struct.Struct(spec)
self._fixedlen = self._struct.size
self._default = default
self._defaultbytes = self._struct.pack(*default)
self._count = 0
def __repr__(self):
return "<Struct.Writer>"
def add(self, docnum, v):
b = self._struct.pack(*v)
FixedBytesColumn.Writer.add(self, docnum, b)
class Reader(FixedBytesColumn.Reader):
def __init__(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, spec, default):
self._dbfile = dbfile
self._basepos = basepos
self._doccount = doccount
self._struct = struct.Struct(spec)
self._fixedlen = self._struct.size
self._default = default
self._defaultbytes = self._struct.pack(*default)
self._count = length // self._fixedlen
def __repr__(self):
return "<Struct.Reader>"
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
v = FixedBytesColumn.Reader.__getitem__(self, docnum)
return self._struct.unpack(v)
# Utility readers
class EmptyColumnReader(ColumnReader):
"""Acts like a reader for a column with no stored values. Always returns
the default.
def __init__(self, default, doccount):
:param default: the value to return for all "get" requests.
:param doccount: the number of documents in the nominal column.
self._default = default
self._doccount = doccount
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
return self._default
def __iter__(self):
return (self._default for _ in range(self._doccount))
def load(self):
return self
class MultiColumnReader(ColumnReader):
"""Serializes access to multiple column readers, making them appear to be
one large column.
def __init__(self, readers, offsets=None):
:param readers: a sequence of column reader objects.
self._readers = readers
self._doc_offsets = []
self._doccount = 0
if offsets is None:
for r in readers:
self._doccount += len(r)
assert len(offsets) == len(readers)
self._doc_offsets = offsets
def _document_reader(self, docnum):
return max(0, bisect_right(self._doc_offsets, docnum) - 1)
def _reader_and_docnum(self, docnum):
rnum = self._document_reader(docnum)
offset = self._doc_offsets[rnum]
return rnum, docnum - offset
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
x, y = self._reader_and_docnum(docnum)
return self._readers[x][y]
def __iter__(self):
for r in self._readers:
yield from r
class TranslatingColumnReader(ColumnReader):
"""Calls a function to "translate" values from an underlying column reader
object before returning them.
``IndexReader`` objects can wrap a column reader with this object to call
``FieldType.from_column_value`` on the stored column value before returning
it the the user.
def __init__(self, reader, translate):
:param reader: the underlying ColumnReader object to get values from.
:param translate: a function that takes a value from the underlying
reader and returns a translated value.
self._reader = reader
self._translate = translate
def raw_column(self):
"""Returns the underlying column reader."""
return self._reader
def __len__(self):
return len(self._reader)
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
return self._translate(self._reader[docnum])
def sort_key(self, docnum):
return self._reader.sort_key(docnum)
def __iter__(self):
translate = self._translate
return (translate(v) for v in self._reader)
def set_reverse(self):
# Column wrappers
class WrappedColumn(Column):
def __init__(self, child):
self._child = child
def writer(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.Writer(self._child.writer(*args, **kwargs))
def reader(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.Reader(self._child.reader(*args, **kwargs))
def stores_lists(self):
return self._child.stores_lists()
class WrappedColumnWriter(ColumnWriter):
def __init__(self, child):
self._child = child
def fill(self, docnum):
return self._child.fill(docnum)
def add(self, docnum, value):
return self._child.add(docnum, value)
def finish(self, docnum):
return self._child.finish(docnum)
class WrappedColumnReader(ColumnReader):
def __init__(self, child):
self._child = child
def __len__(self):
return len(self._child)
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
return self._child[docnum]
def sort_key(self, docnum):
return self._child.sort_key(docnum)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._child)
def load(self):
return list(self)
def set_reverse(self):
[docs]class ClampedNumericColumn(WrappedColumn):
"""An experimental wrapper type for NumericColumn that clamps out-of-range
values instead of raising an exception.
def reader(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._child.reader(*args, **kwargs)
class Writer(WrappedColumnWriter):
def __init__(self, child):
self._child = child
self._min = typecode_min[child._typecode]
self._max = typecode_max[child._typecode]
def add(self, docnum, v):
v = min(v, self._min)
v = max(v, self._max)
self._child.add(docnum, v)
[docs]class PickleColumn(WrappedColumn):
"""Converts arbitrary objects to pickled bytestrings and stores them using
the wrapped column (usually a :class:`VarBytesColumn` or
If you can express the value you want to store as a number or bytestring,
you should use the appropriate column type to avoid the time and size
overhead of pickling and unpickling.
class Writer(WrappedColumnWriter):
def __repr__(self):
return "<PickleWriter>"
def add(self, docnum, v):
if v is None:
v = emptybytes
v = dumps(v, 2)
self._child.add(docnum, v)
class Reader(WrappedColumnReader):
def __repr__(self):
return "<PickleReader>"
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
v = self._child[docnum]
if not v:
return None
return loads(v)
def __iter__(self):
for v in self._child:
if not v:
yield None
yield loads(v)
# List columns
class ListColumn(WrappedColumn):
def stores_lists(self):
return True
class ListColumnReader(ColumnReader):
def sort_key(self, docnum):
return self[docnum][0]
def __iter__(self):
for docnum in range(len(self)):
yield self[docnum]
class VarBytesListColumn(ListColumn):
def __init__(self):
self._child = VarBytesColumn()
class Writer(WrappedColumnWriter):
def add(self, docnum, ls):
out = [varint(len(ls))]
for v in ls:
assert isinstance(v, bytes)
self._child.add(docnum, emptybytes.join(out))
class Reader(ListColumnReader, WrappedColumnReader):
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
data = self._child[docnum]
if not data:
return []
bio = BytesIO(data)
count = read_varint(bio.read)
out = []
for _ in range(count):
vlen = read_varint(bio.read)
v = bio.read(vlen)
return out
class FixedBytesListColumn(ListColumn):
def __init__(self, fixedlen):
self._fixedlen = fixedlen
self._child = VarBytesColumn()
def writer(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.Writer(self._child.writer(*args, **kwargs), self._fixedlen)
def reader(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.Reader(self._child.reader(*args, **kwargs), self._fixedlen)
class Writer(WrappedColumnWriter):
def __init__(self, child, fixedlen):
self._child = child
self._fixedlen = fixedlen
self._lengths = GrowableArray()
self._count = 0
def add(self, docnum, ls):
out = []
for v in ls:
assert len(v) == self._fixedlen
b = emptybytes.join(out)
self._child.add(docnum, b)
class Reader(ListColumnReader, WrappedColumnReader):
def __init__(self, child, fixedlen):
self._child = child
self._fixedlen = fixedlen
def __getitem__(self, docnum):
fixedlen = self._fixedlen
v = self._child[docnum]
if not v:
return []
ls = [v[i : i + fixedlen] for i in range(0, len(v), fixedlen)]
return ls
# class RefListColumn(Column):
# def __init__(self, fixedlen=0):
# """
# :param fixedlen: an optional fixed length for the values. If you
# specify a number other than 0, the column will require all values
# to be the specified length.
# :param default: a default value to use for documents that don't specify
# one. If you don't specify a default, the column will use an empty
# bytestring (``b''``), or if you specify a fixed length,
# ``b'\\x00' * fixedlen``.
# """
# self._fixedlen = fixedlen
# def stores_lists(self):
# return True
# def writer(self, dbfile):
# return self.Writer(dbfile, self._fixedlen)
# def reader(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount):
# return self.Reader(dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, self._fixedlen)
# class Writer(ColumnWriter):
# def __init__(self, dbfile, fixedlen):
# self._dbfile = dbfile
# self._fixedlen = fixedlen
# self._refs = GrowableArray(allow_longs=False)
# self._lengths = GrowableArray(allow_longs=False)
# self._count = 0
# def __repr__(self):
# return "<RefList.Writer>"
# def fill(self, docnum):
# if docnum > self._count:
# self._lengths.extend(0 for _ in range(docnum - self._count))
# def add(self, docnum, ls):
# uniques = self._uniques
# refs = self._refs
# self.fill(docnum)
# self._lengths.append(len(ls))
# for v in ls:
# try:
# i = uniques[v]
# except KeyError:
# uniques[v] = i = len(uniques)
# refs.append(i)
# self._count = docnum + 1
# def finish(self, doccount):
# dbfile = self._dbfile
# refs = self._refs.array
# lengths = self._lengths.array
# self.fill(doccount)
# dbfile.write_byte(ord(lengths.typecode))
# dbfile.write_array(lengths)
# dbfile.write_byte(ord(refs.typecode))
# self._write_uniques(refs.typecode)
# dbfile.write_array(refs)
# class Reader(ListColumnReader):
# def __init__(self, dbfile, basepos, length, doccount, fixedlen):
# self._dbfile = dbfile
# self._basepos = basepos
# self._doccount = doccount
# self._fixedlen = fixedlen
# dbfile.seek(basepos)
# lencode = chr(dbfile.read_byte())
# self._lengths = dbfile.read_array(lencode, doccount)
# self._typecode = chr(dbfile.read_byte())
# refst = struct.Struct("!" + self._typecode)
# self._unpack = refst.unpack
# self._itemsize = refst.size
# self._read_uniques()
# self._refbase = dbfile.tell()
# # Create an array of offsets into the references using the lengths
# offsets = array("i", (0,))
# for length in self._lengths:
# offsets.append(offsets[-1] + length)
# self._offsets = offsets
# def __repr__(self):
# return "<RefBytes.Reader>"
# def _get_ref(self, docnum):
# pos = self._basepos + 1 + docnum * self._itemsize
# return self._unpack(self._dbfile.get(pos, self._itemsize))[0]
# def __getitem__(self, docnum):
# offset = self._offsets[docnum]
# length = self._lengths[docnum]
# pos = self._refbase + offset * self._itemsize
# reflist = self._dbfile.get_array(pos, self._typecode, length)
# return [self._uniques[ref] for ref in reflist]