# Copyright 2011 Matt Chaput. All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are
# those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official
# policies, either expressed or implied, of Matt Chaput.
import copy
from whoosh import query
from whoosh.qparser import syntax
from whoosh.qparser.common import attach
from whoosh.qparser.taggers import FnTagger, RegexTagger
from whoosh.util.text import rcompile
[docs]class Plugin:
"""Base class for parser plugins."""
[docs] def taggers(self, parser):
"""Should return a list of ``(Tagger, priority)`` tuples to add to the
syntax the parser understands. Lower priorities run first.
return ()
[docs] def filters(self, parser):
"""Should return a list of ``(filter_function, priority)`` tuples to
add to parser. Lower priority numbers run first.
Filter functions will be called with ``(parser, groupnode)`` and should
return a group node.
return ()
class TaggingPlugin(RegexTagger):
"""A plugin that also acts as a Tagger, to avoid having an extra Tagger
class for simple cases.
A TaggingPlugin object should have a ``priority`` attribute and either a
``nodetype`` attribute or a ``create()`` method. If the subclass doesn't
override ``create()``, the base class will call ``self.nodetype`` with the
Match object's named groups as keyword arguments.
priority = 0
def __init__(self, expr=None):
self.expr = rcompile(expr or self.expr)
def taggers(self, parser):
return [(self, self.priority)]
def filters(self, parser):
return ()
def create(self, parser, match):
kwargs = {str(k): v for k, v in match.groupdict().items()}
return self.nodetype(**kwargs)
class WhitespacePlugin(TaggingPlugin):
"""Tags whitespace and removes it at priority 500. Depending on whether
your plugin's filter wants to see where whitespace was in the original
query, it should run with priority lower than 500 (before removal of
whitespace) or higher than 500 (after removal of whitespace).
nodetype = syntax.Whitespace
priority = 100
def __init__(self, expr=r"\s+"):
TaggingPlugin.__init__(self, expr)
def filters(self, parser):
return [(self.remove_whitespace, 500)]
def remove_whitespace(self, parser, group):
newgroup = group.empty_copy()
for node in group:
if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode):
newgroup.append(self.remove_whitespace(parser, node))
elif not node.is_ws():
return newgroup
[docs]class SingleQuotePlugin(TaggingPlugin):
"""Adds the ability to specify single "terms" containing spaces by
enclosing them in single quotes.
expr = r"(^|(?<=\W))'(?P<text>.*?)'(?=\s|\]|[)}]|$)"
nodetype = syntax.WordNode
[docs]class PrefixPlugin(TaggingPlugin):
"""Adds the ability to specify prefix queries by ending a term with an
This plugin is useful if you want the user to be able to create prefix but
not wildcard queries (for performance reasons). If you are including the
wildcard plugin, you should not include this plugin as well.
>>> qp = qparser.QueryParser("content", myschema)
>>> qp.remove_plugin_class(qparser.WildcardPlugin)
>>> qp.add_plugin(qparser.PrefixPlugin())
>>> q = qp.parse("pre*")
class PrefixNode(syntax.TextNode):
qclass = query.Prefix
def r(self):
return f"{self.text!r}*"
expr = "(?P<text>[^ \t\r\n*]+)[*](?= |$|\\))"
nodetype = PrefixNode
[docs]class WildcardPlugin(TaggingPlugin):
# \u055E = Armenian question mark
# \u061F = Arabic question mark
# \u1367 = Ethiopic question mark
qmarks = "?\u055E\u061F\u1367"
expr = f"(?P<text>[*{qmarks}])"
def filters(self, parser):
# Run early, but definitely before multifield plugin
return [(self.do_wildcards, 50)]
def do_wildcards(self, parser, group):
i = 0
while i < len(group):
node = group[i]
if isinstance(node, self.WildcardNode):
if i < len(group) - 1 and group[i + 1].is_text():
nextnode = group.pop(i + 1)
node.text += nextnode.text
if i > 0 and group[i - 1].is_text():
prevnode = group.pop(i - 1)
node.text = prevnode.text + node.text
i += 1
if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode):
self.do_wildcards(parser, node)
i += 1
for i in range(len(group)):
node = group[i]
if isinstance(node, self.WildcardNode):
text = node.text
if len(text) > 1 and not any(qm in text for qm in self.qmarks):
if text.find("*") == len(text) - 1:
newnode = PrefixPlugin.PrefixNode(text[:-1])
newnode.startchar = node.startchar
newnode.endchar = node.endchar
group[i] = newnode
return group
class WildcardNode(syntax.TextNode):
# Note that this node inherits tokenize = False from TextNode,
# so the text in this node will not be analyzed... just passed
# straight to the query
qclass = query.Wildcard
def r(self):
return f"Wild {self.text!r}"
nodetype = WildcardNode
[docs]class RegexPlugin(TaggingPlugin):
"""Adds the ability to specify regular expression term queries.
The default syntax for a regular expression term is ``r"termexpr"``.
>>> qp = qparser.QueryParser("content", myschema)
>>> qp.add_plugin(qparser.RegexPlugin())
>>> q = qp.parse('foo title:r"bar+"')
class RegexNode(syntax.TextNode):
qclass = query.Regex
def r(self):
return f"Regex {self.text!r}"
expr = 'r"(?P<text>[^"]*)"'
nodetype = RegexNode
[docs]class BoostPlugin(TaggingPlugin):
"""Adds the ability to boost clauses of the query using the circumflex.
>>> qp = qparser.QueryParser("content", myschema)
>>> q = qp.parse("hello there^2")
expr = "\\^(?P<boost>[0-9]*(\\.[0-9]+)?)($|(?=[ \t\r\n)]))"
class BoostNode(syntax.SyntaxNode):
def __init__(self, original, boost):
self.original = original
self.boost = boost
def r(self):
return f"^ {self.boost}"
def create(self, parser, match):
# Override create so we can grab group 0
original = match.group(0)
boost = float(match.group("boost"))
except ValueError:
# The text after the ^ wasn't a valid number, so turn it into a
# word
node = syntax.WordNode(original)
node = self.BoostNode(original, boost)
return node
def filters(self, parser):
return [(self.clean_boost, 0), (self.do_boost, 510)]
def clean_boost(self, parser, group):
"""This filter finds any BoostNodes in positions where they can't boost
the previous node (e.g. at the very beginning, after whitespace, or
after another BoostNode) and turns them into WordNodes.
bnode = self.BoostNode
for i, node in enumerate(group):
if isinstance(node, bnode):
if not i or not group[i - 1].has_boost:
group[i] = syntax.to_word(node)
return group
def do_boost(self, parser, group):
"""This filter finds BoostNodes and applies the boost to the previous
newgroup = group.empty_copy()
for node in group:
if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode):
node = self.do_boost(parser, node)
elif isinstance(node, self.BoostNode):
if newgroup and newgroup[-1].has_boost:
# Apply the BoostNode's boost to the previous node
# Skip adding the BoostNode to the new group
node = syntax.to_word(node)
return newgroup
[docs]class GroupPlugin(Plugin):
"""Adds the ability to group clauses using parentheses."""
# Marker nodes for open and close bracket
class OpenBracket(syntax.SyntaxNode):
def r(self):
return "("
class CloseBracket(syntax.SyntaxNode):
def r(self):
return ")"
def __init__(self, openexpr="[(]", closeexpr="[)]"):
self.openexpr = openexpr
self.closeexpr = closeexpr
def taggers(self, parser):
return [
(FnTagger(self.openexpr, self.OpenBracket, "openB"), 0),
(FnTagger(self.closeexpr, self.CloseBracket, "closeB"), 0),
def filters(self, parser):
return [(self.do_groups, 0)]
def do_groups(self, parser, group):
"""This filter finds open and close bracket markers in a flat group
and uses them to organize the nodes into a hierarchy.
ob, cb = self.OpenBracket, self.CloseBracket
# Group hierarchy stack
stack = [parser.group()]
for node in group:
if isinstance(node, ob):
# Open bracket: push a new level of hierarchy on the stack
elif isinstance(node, cb):
# Close bracket: pop the current level of hierarchy and append
# it to the previous level
if len(stack) > 1:
last = stack.pop()
# Anything else: add it to the current level of hierarchy
top = stack[0]
# If the parens were unbalanced (more opens than closes), just take
# whatever levels of hierarchy were left on the stack and tack them on
# the end of the top-level
if len(stack) > 1:
for ls in stack[1:]:
if len(top) == 1 and isinstance(top[0], syntax.GroupNode):
boost = top.boost
top = top[0]
top.boost = boost
return top
[docs]class EveryPlugin(TaggingPlugin):
expr = "[*]:[*]"
priority = -1
def create(self, parser, match):
return self.EveryNode()
class EveryNode(syntax.SyntaxNode):
def r(self):
return "*:*"
def query(self, parser):
return query.Every()
[docs]class FieldsPlugin(TaggingPlugin):
"""Adds the ability to specify the field of a clause."""
class FieldnameTagger(RegexTagger):
def create(self, parser, match):
return syntax.FieldnameNode(match.group("text"), match.group(0))
def __init__(self, expr=r"(?P<text>\w+|[*]):", remove_unknown=True):
:param expr: the regular expression to use for tagging fields.
:param remove_unknown: if True, converts field specifications for
fields that aren't in the schema into regular text.
self.expr = expr
self.removeunknown = remove_unknown
def taggers(self, parser):
return [(self.FieldnameTagger(self.expr), 0)]
def filters(self, parser):
return [(self.do_fieldnames, 100)]
def do_fieldnames(self, parser, group):
"""This filter finds FieldnameNodes in the tree and applies their
fieldname to the next node.
fnclass = syntax.FieldnameNode
if self.removeunknown and parser.schema:
# Look for field nodes that aren't in the schema and convert them
# to text
schema = parser.schema
newgroup = group.empty_copy()
prev_field_node = None
for node in group:
if isinstance(node, fnclass) and node.fieldname not in schema:
prev_field_node = node
elif prev_field_node:
# If prev_field_node is not None, it contains a field node
# that appeared before this node but isn't in the schema,
# so we'll convert it to text here
if node.has_text:
node.text = prev_field_node.original + node.text
prev_field_node = None
if prev_field_node:
group = newgroup
newgroup = group.empty_copy()
# Iterate backwards through the stream, looking for field-able objects
# with field nodes in front of them
i = len(group)
while i > 0:
i -= 1
node = group[i]
if isinstance(node, fnclass):
# If we see a fieldname node, it must not have been in front
# of something fieldable, since we would have already removed
# it (since we're iterating backwards), so convert it to text
node = syntax.to_word(node)
elif isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode):
node = self.do_fieldnames(parser, node)
if i > 0 and not node.is_ws() and isinstance(group[i - 1], fnclass):
node.set_fieldname(group[i - 1].fieldname, override=False)
i -= 1
return newgroup
class FuzzyTermPlugin(TaggingPlugin):
"""Adds syntax to the query parser to create "fuzzy" term queries, which
match any term within a certain "edit distance" (number of inserted,
deleted, or transposed characters) by appending a tilde (``~``) and an
optional maximum edit distance to a term. If you don't specify an explicit
maximum edit distance, the default is 1.
>>> qp = qparser.QueryParser("content", myschema)
>>> qp.add_plugin(qparser.FuzzyTermPlugin())
>>> q = qp.parse("Stephen~2 Colbert")
For example, the following query creates a :class:`whoosh.query.FuzzyTerm`
query with a maximum edit distance of 1::
The following creates a fuzzy term query with a maximum edit distance of
The maximum edit distance can only be a single digit. Note that edit
distances greater than 2 can take an extremely long time and are generally
not useful.
You can specify a prefix length using ``~n/m``. For example, to allow a
maximum edit distance of 2 and require a prefix match of 3 characters::
To specify a prefix with the default edit distance::
expr = rcompile(
(?<=\\S) # Only match right after non-space
~ # Initial tilde
(?P<maxdist>[0-9])? # Optional maxdist
(/ # Optional prefix slash
(?P<prefix>[1-9][0-9]*) # prefix
)? # (end prefix group)
class FuzzinessNode(syntax.SyntaxNode):
def __init__(self, maxdist, prefixlength, original):
self.maxdist = maxdist
self.prefixlength = prefixlength
self.original = original
def __repr__(self):
return "<~%d/%d>" % (self.maxdist, self.prefixlength)
class FuzzyTermNode(syntax.TextNode):
qclass = query.FuzzyTerm
def __init__(self, wordnode, maxdist, prefixlength):
self.fieldname = wordnode.fieldname
self.text = wordnode.text
self.boost = wordnode.boost
self.startchar = wordnode.startchar
self.endchar = wordnode.endchar
self.maxdist = maxdist
self.prefixlength = prefixlength
def r(self):
return "%r ~%d/%d" % (self.text, self.maxdist, self.prefixlength)
def query(self, parser):
# Use the superclass's query() method to create a FuzzyTerm query
# (it looks at self.qclass), just because it takes care of some
# extra checks and attributes
q = syntax.TextNode.query(self, parser)
# Set FuzzyTerm-specific attributes
q.maxdist = self.maxdist
q.prefixlength = self.prefixlength
return q
def create(self, parser, match):
mdstr = match.group("maxdist")
maxdist = int(mdstr) if mdstr else 1
pstr = match.group("prefix")
prefixlength = int(pstr) if pstr else 0
return self.FuzzinessNode(maxdist, prefixlength, match.group(0))
def filters(self, parser):
return [(self.do_fuzzyterms, 0)]
def do_fuzzyterms(self, parser, group):
newgroup = group.empty_copy()
i = 0
while i < len(group):
node = group[i]
if i < len(group) - 1 and isinstance(node, syntax.WordNode):
nextnode = group[i + 1]
if isinstance(nextnode, self.FuzzinessNode):
node = self.FuzzyTermNode(
node, nextnode.maxdist, nextnode.prefixlength
i += 1
if isinstance(node, self.FuzzinessNode):
node = syntax.to_word(node)
if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode):
node = self.do_fuzzyterms(parser, node)
i += 1
return newgroup
class FunctionPlugin(TaggingPlugin):
"""Adds an abitrary "function call" syntax to the query parser to allow
advanced and extensible query functionality.
This is unfinished and experimental.
expr = rcompile(
[#](?P<name>[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9._]*) # function name
( # optional args
\\[ # inside square brackets
class FunctionNode(syntax.SyntaxNode):
has_fieldname = False
has_boost = True
merging = False
def __init__(self, name, fn, args, kwargs):
self.name = name
self.fn = fn
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.nodes = []
self.boost = None
def __repr__(self):
return f"#{self.name}<{self.args!r}>({self.nodes!r})"
def query(self, parser):
qs = [n.query(parser) for n in self.nodes]
kwargs = self.kwargs
if "boost" not in kwargs and self.boost is not None:
kwargs["boost"] = self.boost
# TODO: If this call raises an exception, return an error query
return self.fn(qs, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
def __init__(self, fns):
:param fns: a dictionary mapping names to functions that return a
self.fns = fns
def create(self, parser, match):
name = match.group("name")
if name in self.fns:
fn = self.fns[name]
argstring = match.group("args")
if argstring:
args, kwargs = self._parse_args(argstring)
args = ()
kwargs = {}
return self.FunctionNode(name, fn, args, kwargs)
def _parse_args(self, argstring):
args = []
kwargs = {}
parts = argstring.split(",")
for part in parts:
if "=" in part:
name, value = part.split("=", 1)
name = name.strip()
name = None
value = part
value = value.strip()
if value.startswith("'") and value.endswith("'"):
value = value[1:-1]
if name:
kwargs[name] = value
return args, kwargs
def filters(self, parser):
return [(self.do_functions, 600)]
def do_functions(self, parser, group):
newgroup = group.empty_copy()
i = 0
while i < len(group):
node = group[i]
if (
isinstance(node, self.FunctionNode)
and i < len(group) - 1
and isinstance(group[i + 1], syntax.GroupNode)
nextnode = group[i + 1]
node.nodes = list(self.do_functions(parser, nextnode))
if nextnode.boost != 1:
i += 1
elif isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode):
node = self.do_functions(parser, node)
i += 1
return newgroup
[docs]class PhrasePlugin(Plugin):
"""Adds the ability to specify phrase queries inside double quotes."""
# Didn't use TaggingPlugin because I need to add slop parsing at some
# point
# Expression used to find words if a schema isn't available
wordexpr = rcompile(r"\S+")
class PhraseNode(syntax.TextNode):
def __init__(self, text, textstartchar, slop=1):
syntax.TextNode.__init__(self, text)
self.textstartchar = textstartchar
self.slop = slop
def r(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__} {self.text!r}~{self.slop}"
def apply(self, fn):
return self.__class__(
[fn(node) for node in self.nodes],
def query(self, parser):
text = self.text
fieldname = self.fieldname or parser.fieldname
# We want to process the text of the phrase into "words" (tokens),
# and also record the startchar and endchar of each word
sc = self.textstartchar
if parser.schema and fieldname in parser.schema:
field = parser.schema[fieldname]
if field.analyzer:
# We have a field with an analyzer, so use it to parse
# the phrase into tokens
tokens = field.tokenize(text, mode="query", chars=True)
words = []
char_ranges = []
for t in tokens:
char_ranges.append((sc + t.startchar, sc + t.endchar))
# We have a field but it doesn't have a format object,
# for some reason (it's self-parsing?), so use process_text
# to get the texts (we won't know the start/end chars)
words = list(field.process_text(text, mode="query"))
char_ranges = [(None, None)] * len(words)
# We're parsing without a schema, so just use the default
# regular expression to break the text into words
words = []
char_ranges = []
for match in PhrasePlugin.wordexpr.finditer(text):
char_ranges.append((sc + match.start(), sc + match.end()))
qclass = parser.phraseclass
q = qclass(
return attach(q, self)
class PhraseTagger(RegexTagger):
def create(self, parser, match):
text = match.group("text")
textstartchar = match.start("text")
slopstr = match.group("slop")
slop = int(slopstr) if slopstr else 1
return PhrasePlugin.PhraseNode(text, textstartchar, slop)
def __init__(self, expr='"(?P<text>.*?)"(~(?P<slop>[1-9][0-9]*))?'):
self.expr = expr
def taggers(self, parser):
return [(self.PhraseTagger(self.expr), 0)]
class SequencePlugin(Plugin):
"""Adds the ability to group arbitrary queries inside double quotes to
produce a query matching the individual sub-queries in sequence.
To enable this plugin, first remove the default PhrasePlugin, then add
this plugin::
qp = qparser.QueryParser("field", my_schema)
This enables parsing "phrases" such as::
"(jon OR john OR jonathan~1) smith*"
def __init__(self, expr='["](~(?P<slop>[1-9][0-9]*))?'):
:param expr: a regular expression for the marker at the start and end
of a phrase. The default is the double-quotes character.
self.expr = expr
class SequenceNode(syntax.GroupNode):
qclass = query.Sequence
class QuoteNode(syntax.MarkerNode):
def __init__(self, slop=None):
self.slop = int(slop) if slop else 1
def taggers(self, parser):
return [(FnTagger(self.expr, self.QuoteNode, "quote"), 0)]
def filters(self, parser):
return [(self.do_quotes, 550)]
def do_quotes(self, parser, group):
# New group to copy nodes into
newgroup = group.empty_copy()
# Buffer for sequence nodes; when it's None, it means we're not in
# a sequence
seq = None
# Start copying nodes from group to newgroup. When we find a quote
# node, start copying nodes into the buffer instead. When we find
# the next (end) quote, put the buffered nodes into a SequenceNode
# and add it to newgroup.
for node in group:
if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode):
# Recurse
node = self.do_quotes(parser, node)
if isinstance(node, self.QuoteNode):
if seq is None:
# Start a new sequence
seq = []
# End the current sequence
sn = self.SequenceNode(seq, slop=node.slop)
seq = None
elif seq is None:
# Not in a sequence, add directly
# In a sequence, add it to the buffer
# We can end up with buffered nodes if there was an unbalanced quote;
# just add the buffered nodes directly to newgroup
if seq is not None:
return newgroup
[docs]class RangePlugin(Plugin):
"""Adds the ability to specify term ranges."""
expr = rcompile(
(?P<open>\{|\[) # Open paren
('[^']*?'\s+) # single-quoted
| # or
([^\]}]+?(?=[Tt][Oo])) # everything until "to"
[Tt][Oo] # "to"
(\s+'[^']*?') # single-quoted
| # or
([^\]}]+?) # everything until "]" or "}"
(?P<close>}|]) # Close paren
class RangeTagger(RegexTagger):
def __init__(self, expr, excl_start, excl_end):
self.expr = expr
self.excl_start = excl_start
self.excl_end = excl_end
def create(self, parser, match):
start = match.group("start")
end = match.group("end")
if start:
# Strip the space before the "to"
start = start.rstrip()
# Strip single quotes
if start.startswith("'") and start.endswith("'"):
start = start[1:-1]
if end:
# Strip the space before the "to"
end = end.lstrip()
# Strip single quotes
if end.startswith("'") and end.endswith("'"):
end = end[1:-1]
# What kind of open and close brackets were used?
startexcl = match.group("open") == self.excl_start
endexcl = match.group("close") == self.excl_end
rn = syntax.RangeNode(start, end, startexcl, endexcl)
return rn
def __init__(self, expr=None, excl_start="{", excl_end="}"):
self.expr = expr or self.expr
self.excl_start = excl_start
self.excl_end = excl_end
def taggers(self, parser):
tagger = self.RangeTagger(self.expr, self.excl_start, self.excl_end)
return [(tagger, 1)]
[docs]class OperatorsPlugin(Plugin):
"""By default, adds the AND, OR, ANDNOT, ANDMAYBE, and NOT operators to
the parser syntax. This plugin scans the token stream for subclasses of
:class:`Operator` and calls their :meth:`Operator.make_group` methods
to allow them to manipulate the stream.
There are two levels of configuration available.
The first level is to change the regular expressions of the default
operators, using the ``And``, ``Or``, ``AndNot``, ``AndMaybe``, and/or
``Not`` keyword arguments. The keyword value can be a pattern string or
a compiled expression, or None to remove the operator::
qp = qparser.QueryParser("content", schema)
cp = qparser.OperatorsPlugin(And="&", Or="\\|", AndNot="&!",
AndMaybe="&~", Not=None)
You can also specify a list of ``(OpTagger, priority)`` pairs as the first
argument to the initializer to use custom operators. See :ref:`custom-op`
for more information on this.
class OpTagger(RegexTagger):
def __init__(
self, expr, grouptype, optype=syntax.InfixOperator, leftassoc=True, memo=""
RegexTagger.__init__(self, expr)
self.grouptype = grouptype
self.optype = optype
self.leftassoc = leftassoc
self.memo = memo
def __repr__(self):
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.expr.pattern!r} ({self.memo})>"
def create(self, parser, match):
return self.optype(match.group(0), self.grouptype, self.leftassoc)
def __init__(
if ops:
ops = list(ops)
ops = []
if not clean:
ot = self.OpTagger
if Not:
(ot(Not, syntax.NotGroup, syntax.PrefixOperator, memo="not"), 0)
if And:
ops.append((ot(And, syntax.AndGroup, memo="and"), 0))
if Or:
ops.append((ot(Or, syntax.OrGroup, memo="or"), 0))
if AndNot:
ops.append((ot(AndNot, syntax.AndNotGroup, memo="anot"), -5))
if AndMaybe:
ops.append((ot(AndMaybe, syntax.AndMaybeGroup, memo="amaybe"), -5))
if Require:
ops.append((ot(Require, syntax.RequireGroup, memo="req"), 0))
self.ops = ops
def taggers(self, parser):
return self.ops
def filters(self, parser):
return [(self.do_operators, 600)]
def do_operators(self, parser, group):
"""This filter finds PrefixOperator, PostfixOperator, and InfixOperator
nodes in the tree and calls their logic to rearrange the nodes.
for tagger, _ in self.ops:
# Get the operators created by the configured taggers
optype = tagger.optype
gtype = tagger.grouptype
# Left-associative infix operators are replaced left-to-right, and
# right-associative infix operators are replaced right-to-left.
# Most of the work is done in the different implementations of
# Operator.replace_self().
if tagger.leftassoc:
i = 0
while i < len(group):
t = group[i]
if isinstance(t, optype) and t.grouptype is gtype:
i = t.replace_self(parser, group, i)
i += 1
i = len(group) - 1
while i >= 0:
t = group[i]
if isinstance(t, optype):
i = t.replace_self(parser, group, i)
i -= 1
# Descend into the groups and recursively call do_operators
for i, t in enumerate(group):
if isinstance(t, syntax.GroupNode):
group[i] = self.do_operators(parser, t)
return group
[docs]class PlusMinusPlugin(Plugin):
"""Adds the ability to use + and - in a flat OR query to specify required
and prohibited terms.
This is the basis for the parser configuration returned by
# Marker nodes for + and -
class Plus(syntax.MarkerNode):
class Minus(syntax.MarkerNode):
def __init__(self, plusexpr="\\+", minusexpr="-"):
self.plusexpr = plusexpr
self.minusexpr = minusexpr
def taggers(self, parser):
return [
(FnTagger(self.plusexpr, self.Plus, "plus"), 0),
(FnTagger(self.minusexpr, self.Minus, "minus"), 0),
def filters(self, parser):
return [(self.do_plusminus, 510)]
def do_plusminus(self, parser, group):
"""This filter sorts nodes in a flat group into "required", "optional",
and "banned" subgroups based on the presence of plus and minus nodes.
required = syntax.AndGroup()
optional = syntax.OrGroup()
banned = syntax.OrGroup()
# If the top-level group is an AndGroup we make everything "required" by default
if isinstance(group, syntax.AndGroup):
optional = syntax.AndGroup()
# Which group to put the next node we see into
next = optional
for node in group:
if isinstance(node, self.Plus):
# +: put the next node in the required group
next = required
elif isinstance(node, self.Minus):
# -: put the next node in the banned group
next = banned
# Anything else: put it in the appropriate group
# Reset to putting things in the optional group by default
next = optional
group = optional
if required:
group = syntax.AndMaybeGroup([required, group])
if banned:
group = syntax.AndNotGroup([group, banned])
return group
[docs]class GtLtPlugin(TaggingPlugin):
"""Allows the user to use greater than/less than symbols to create range
a:>100 b:<=z c:>=-1.4 d:<mz
This is the equivalent of::
a:{100 to] b:[to z] c:[-1.4 to] d:[to mz}
The plugin recognizes ``>``, ``<``, ``>=``, ``<=``, ``=>``, and ``=<``
after a field specifier. The field specifier is required. You cannot do the
This plugin requires the FieldsPlugin and RangePlugin to work.
class GtLtNode(syntax.SyntaxNode):
def __init__(self, rel):
self.rel = rel
def __repr__(self):
return f"({self.rel})"
expr = r"(?P<rel>(<=|>=|<|>|=<|=>))"
nodetype = GtLtNode
def filters(self, parser):
# Run before the fields filter removes FilenameNodes at priority 100.
return [(self.do_gtlt, 99)]
def do_gtlt(self, parser, group):
"""This filter translate FieldnameNode/GtLtNode pairs into RangeNodes."""
fname = syntax.FieldnameNode
newgroup = group.empty_copy()
i = 0
lasti = len(group) - 1
while i < len(group):
node = group[i]
# If this is a GtLtNode...
if isinstance(node, self.GtLtNode):
# If it's not the last node in the group...
if i < lasti:
prevnode = newgroup[-1]
nextnode = group[i + 1]
# If previous was a fieldname and next node has text
if isinstance(prevnode, fname) and nextnode.has_text:
# Make the next node into a range based on the symbol
newgroup.append(self.make_range(nextnode, node.rel))
# Skip the next node
i += 1
elif isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode):
newgroup.append(self.do_gtlt(parser, node))
# If it's not a GtLtNode, add it to the filtered group
i += 1
return newgroup
def make_range(self, node, rel):
text = node.text
if rel == "<":
n = syntax.RangeNode(None, text, False, True)
elif rel == ">":
n = syntax.RangeNode(text, None, True, False)
elif rel == "<=" or rel == "=<":
n = syntax.RangeNode(None, text, False, False)
elif rel == ">=" or rel == "=>":
n = syntax.RangeNode(text, None, False, False)
return n.set_range(node.startchar, node.endchar)
[docs]class MultifieldPlugin(Plugin):
"""Converts any unfielded terms into OR clauses that search for the
term in a specified list of fields.
>>> qp = qparser.QueryParser(None, myschema)
>>> qp.add_plugin(qparser.MultifieldPlugin(["a", "b"])
>>> qp.parse("alfa c:bravo")
And([Or([Term("a", "alfa"), Term("b", "alfa")]), Term("c", "bravo")])
This plugin is the basis for the ``MultifieldParser``.
def __init__(self, fieldnames, fieldboosts=None, group=syntax.OrGroup):
:param fieldnames: a list of fields to search.
:param fieldboosts: an optional dictionary mapping field names to
a boost to use for that field.
:param group: the group to use to relate the fielded terms to each
self.fieldnames = fieldnames
self.boosts = fieldboosts or {}
self.group = group
def filters(self, parser):
# Run after the fields filter applies explicit fieldnames (at priority
# 100)
return [(self.do_multifield, 110)]
def do_multifield(self, parser, group):
for i, node in enumerate(group):
if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode):
# Recurse inside groups
group[i] = self.do_multifield(parser, node)
elif node.has_fieldname and node.fieldname is None:
# For an unfielded node, create a new group containing fielded
# versions of the node for each configured "multi" field.
newnodes = []
for fname in self.fieldnames:
newnode = copy.copy(node)
newnode.set_boost(self.boosts.get(fname, 1.0))
group[i] = self.group(newnodes)
return group
[docs]class FieldAliasPlugin(Plugin):
"""Adds the ability to use "aliases" of fields in the query string.
This plugin is useful for allowing users of languages that can't be
represented in ASCII to use field names in their own language, and
translate them into the "real" field names, which must be valid Python
>>> # Allow users to use 'body' or 'text' to refer to the 'content' field
>>> parser.add_plugin(FieldAliasPlugin({"content": ["body", "text"]}))
>>> parser.parse("text:hello")
Term("content", "hello")
def __init__(self, fieldmap):
self.fieldmap = fieldmap
self.reverse = {}
for key, values in fieldmap.items():
for value in values:
self.reverse[value] = key
def filters(self, parser):
# Run before fields plugin at 100
return [(self.do_aliases, 90)]
def do_aliases(self, parser, group):
for i, node in enumerate(group):
if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode):
group[i] = self.do_aliases(parser, node)
elif node.has_fieldname and node.fieldname is not None:
fname = node.fieldname
if fname in self.reverse:
node.set_fieldname(self.reverse[fname], override=True)
return group
[docs]class CopyFieldPlugin(Plugin):
"""Looks for basic syntax nodes (terms, prefixes, wildcards, phrases, etc.)
occurring in a certain field and replaces it with a group (by default OR)
containing the original token and the token copied to a new field.
For example, the query::
hello name:matt
could be automatically converted by ``CopyFieldPlugin({"name", "author"})``
hello (name:matt OR author:matt)
This is useful where one field was indexed with a differently-analyzed copy
of another, and you want the query to search both fields.
You can specify a different group type with the ``group`` keyword. You can
also specify ``group=None``, in which case the copied node is inserted
"inline" next to the original, instead of in a new group::
hello name:matt author:matt
def __init__(self, map, group=syntax.OrGroup, mirror=False):
:param map: a dictionary mapping names of fields to copy to the
names of the destination fields.
:param group: the type of group to create in place of the original
token. You can specify ``group=None`` to put the copied node
"inline" next to the original node instead of in a new group.
:param two_way: if True, the plugin copies both ways, so if the user
specifies a query in the 'toname' field, it will be copied to
the 'fromname' field.
self.map = map
self.group = group
if mirror:
# Add in reversed mappings
map.update({v: k for k, v in map.items()})
def filters(self, parser):
# Run after the fieldname filter (100) but before multifield (110)
return [(self.do_copyfield, 109)]
def do_copyfield(self, parser, group):
map = self.map
newgroup = group.empty_copy()
for node in group:
if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode):
# Recurse into groups
node = self.do_copyfield(parser, node)
elif node.has_fieldname:
fname = node.fieldname or parser.fieldname
if fname in map:
newnode = copy.copy(node)
newnode.set_fieldname(map[fname], override=True)
if self.group is None:
newgroup.append(self.group([node, newnode]))
return newgroup
class PseudoFieldPlugin(Plugin):
"""This is an advanced plugin that lets you define "pseudo-fields" the user
can use in their queries. When the parser encounters one of these fields,
it runs a given function on the following node in the abstract syntax tree.
Unfortunately writing the transform function(s) requires knowledge of the
parser's abstract syntax tree classes. A transform function takes a
:class:`whoosh.qparser.SyntaxNode` and returns a
:class:`~whoosh.qparser.SyntaxNode` (or None if the node should be removed
instead of transformed).
Some things you can do in the transform function::
from whoosh import qparser
def my_xform_fn(node):
# Is this a text node?
if node.has_text:
# Change the node's text
node.text = node.text + "foo"
# Change the node into a prefix query
node = qparser.PrefixPlugin.PrefixNode(node.text)
# Set the field the node should search in
return node
# If the pseudo-field wasn't applied to a text node (e.g.
# it preceded a group, as in ``pfield:(a OR b)`` ), remove the
# node. Alternatively you could just ``return node`` here to
# leave the non-text node intact.
return None
In the following example, if the user types ``regex:foo.bar``, the function
transforms the text in the pseudo-field "regex" into a regular expression
query in the "content" field::
from whoosh import qparser
def regex_maker(node):
if node.has_text:
node = qparser.RegexPlugin.RegexNode(node.text)
return node
qp = qparser.QueryParser("content", myindex.schema)
qp.add_plugin(qparser.PseudoFieldPlugin({"regex": regex_maker}))
q = qp.parse("alfa regex:br.vo")
The name of the "pseudo" field can be the same as an actual field. Imagine
the schema has a field named ``reverse``, and you want the user to be able
to type ``reverse:foo`` and transform it to ``reverse:(foo OR oof)``::
def rev_text(node):
if node.has_text:
# Create a word node for the reversed text
revtext = node.text[::-1] # Reverse the text
rnode = qparser.WordNode(revtext)
# Put the original node and the reversed node in an OrGroup
group = qparser.OrGroup([node, rnode])
# Need to set the fieldname here because the PseudoFieldPlugin
# removes the field name syntax
return group
qp = qparser.QueryParser("content", myindex.schema)
qp.add_plugin(qparser.PseudoFieldPlugin({"reverse": rev_text}))
q = qp.parse("alfa reverse:bravo")
Note that transforming the query like this can potentially really confuse
the spell checker!
This plugin works as a filter, so it can only operate on the query after it
has been parsed into an abstract syntax tree. For parsing control (i.e. to
give a pseudo-field its own special syntax), you would need to write your
own parsing plugin.
def __init__(self, xform_map):
:param xform_map: a dictionary mapping psuedo-field names to transform
functions. The function should take a
:class:`whoosh.qparser.SyntaxNode` as an argument, and return a
:class:`~whoosh.qparser.SyntaxNode`. If the function returns None,
the node will be removed from the query.
self.xform_map = xform_map
def filters(self, parser):
# Run before the fieldname filter (100)
return [(self.do_pseudofield, 99)]
def do_pseudofield(self, parser, group):
xform_map = self.xform_map
newgroup = group.empty_copy()
xform_next = None
for node in group:
if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode):
node = self.do_pseudofield(parser, node)
elif isinstance(node, syntax.FieldnameNode) and node.fieldname in xform_map:
xform_next = xform_map[node.fieldname]
if xform_next:
newnode = xform_next(node)
xform_next = None
if newnode is None:
newnode.set_range(node.startchar, node.endchar)
node = newnode
return newgroup